Zanitos' Hacking Page ATTENTION!!! This page doesn't have wonderful graphics for a reason. I don't want it to. Think of all the pore hackers with 14.4 modems (like me) waiting for hours for java script to load. I don't even like thinking about it. Now you can come in, download, and get out. Fast and convenient. DON'T YOU FEEL BETTER NOW!!! Disclamer Oh yes the disclamer. I do hereby take no responsibility whatsoever for misuse, illegal use, or any use of these products. Or if you get a virus. Don't come whining to me if you get a virus. I try to check everything, but nobody is perfect. That was stupid, now for the good stuff. UPDATE!!! Looking for a challenge hackers. I got something new. Try to crack a government security program called T.C.A.S.C. i got a BBS number and a webpage I found. Come HERE for more info. War Dialers Password Crackers Carding